February issue - 2013

The UK Data Hub opens up a content-rich source of consumer intelligence data on 40 million records and 27 million linked addresses, incorporating data on birth and death records, passport verification, landline and mobile number checks, with the possibility of linking all electricity bills to customer address and meter, irrespective of supplier. Moreover, critical information such as vehicle identification and individual records (including county court judgements and bankruptcy information) are also available in less than 2 seconds without leaving a footprint, and required data can be combined into one message.

CRIF director Sara Costantini believes that the sharp increase in identity, personal injury and vehicle fraud in the UK makes the Data Hub an invaluable tool to support fraud management: “The ease and speed at which information can now be accessed will definitely make a positive impact on our clients’ businesses and their operational decisions, enabling them to protect their honest customers from the financial effect of fraud.”